My best Bull yet, 264WM @ 658

Nice bull and nice shot as well, them 6.5 bullets do a job on game. My uncle used a 264 win mag in the 60s on Moose and Caribou in Canada it dropped them good as well.
Again congrats.
Great sequence. I especially like how the shooter stayed calm and advised everyone to stay on him to make sure he didn't get up. I have seen that reaction on elk before from a neck/high shoulder/just below spine hit and they get up after and run for a while. Job well done.
Tony, sounds like your son was more excited than you! What age? That's awesome, I have all daughters and they got super excited just of me shooting a woodchuck.
Tony, sounds like your son was more excited than you! What age? That's awesome, I have all daughters and they got super excited just of me shooting a woodchuck.
He is 12, got his first buck last month and was just as excited, like you said, at this age it doesn't matter what your shooting, just that your shooting it!
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