I know some may view this as sacrilege, but I don't mind. Back in the day I borrowed a friends SBE1 and 2 and liked the way they shot. I couldn't justify spending that kind of money on a shotgun based on the small amount of waterfowling I did. Fast forward 30+ years and after much research and review reading, I decided to buy my first semi auto shotgun. My Remington 21" 870 Special Field has served me well since I bought it new in 1984. It was THE ideal gun for northern Minnesota Ruffed Grouse hunting. I now live in western South Dakota and my hunting has changed dramatically. Pheasants, Turkey, Sharptail Grouse and Doves comprise my bird hunting each spring and fall. Now that Benelli's inertia drive patent has worn off, there are a number of copies on the market. I chose the Girsan MC312, a Benelli clone that is made in Turkey. I followed much of the advice in the reviews and did the initial break-in using high brass 2-3/4" shells with a minimum velocity of 1300fps. I also added an aftermarket recoil pad as the stock one is a bit hard. I still have not had a single failure after this past fall season. It cycled hundreds of 1oz dove loads flawlessly and I shot a box of 3.5" shells during pheasant season as well as my normal 3" fodder with no problems. There's no question it kicks with heavy loads, but it points well and cycles amazing. Bottom line, I really like it!! I think I paid around $320 shipped when I bought it this past summer. Unbelievable good value and bang for your buck!