my 2010 Whitetail


Active Member
Mar 12, 2010
SW Saskatchewan
This is my 2010 whietail. I will put up a pic later of my 2011 whitetail.


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I got a european mount done, the wife doesn't like heads in the house. I have been getting european's done and hanging them in the garage, its going to have to be a good one for a full head mount. I am hoping one day that I get one that is worthy. this is a picture of my dad and I with our 2011 deer that we got the same morning.


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The gun that I shot my 2011 deer was a custom built from Corlane Sporting Goods and Rocky Mountain Rifles in Dawson Creek B.C. it is a 6.5-284 Norma with a Joel Russo stock, Pac-Nor supermatch barrel 1-8 twist, Borden Action, Jewel trigger, and a badger FTE muzzel brake. I am shooting 140gr Berger VLD at 2850 fps.

I shot my deer at 300 yards which wasn't a far shot by no means but the bergers performed flawlessly. One shot and he piled up right where he stood, dropped strait down and never moved a muscle.

I had spotted him from 1 3/4 miles away and moved in for the kill. I drove a little closer up to a big hill and thought maybe I could take a poke from there, but he was a little two far yet. 1500 yards was a lot too far yet 800 sure but not that far. So then the stalk was on, walking my way closer trying to stay hidden in the small rolling hills with little to no cover. I made it to about 600 yards to a small hill and thought I could wait till he came feeding out into the open but could not wait for the other deer in the area started to move off. I then decided to sneak up to the hill where he was feeding on the other side and did not see him, and thought there goes another good one. when all of a sudden I seen something dark in the buck brush, and there he was at 300 yards. I was surpised he was not running away cause by that time I was fully exposed for about a minute or two. I layed down with my bipod deployed and put the crosshairs on the back of his shoulder and pulled the trigger, i heard the hit and he was gone. He dropped strait down with his legs still underneith him and never moved a muscle.
I scored my 2011 deer the other day and he grossed 176 1/4 and netted 162 1/2, its the biggest buck I shot so far.

I missed a huge 6x6 at 75 yards. I pulled the trigger and he turned at the same time, missing him by just a hair. He took three jumps and gone, no time for a follow up shot. Would have netted in the high 170's to 180's. Probably would have got him if I didn't have to double check that it wasn't a mule deer, he was that big!!!

Just thought you might be interested in the score.
Oh and by the way my dads deer in the picture earlier, when he had a european mount done, found out he has fangs. Never knew that was possible, but I guess a small amount of the deer population has them.


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