Muzzleloading rookie / Opinions on first setup

  • Thread starter Deleted member 107796
  • Start date
Ok, I nabbed some 777 ff and want to add some Hornady Great Plain bullets into the test mix.

I am assuming Triple 7 ff? I am wondering what velocity that recipe gives you.

Yes triple 7 FF. I can't remember velocity right off hand and my notes are at home. I think it was around 1900 FPS.
Holy cow, 1900fps! That's what I meant when I asked if a 245gn could make up for energy with its' velocity over a 350gn or other. It sounds like it may be possible.
Remember those bullets lose velocity fast though with a BC of like .191 or something. I zero for 100 yards and there is about 7 inches of drop at 150 yards.
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