Muzzle break 300wm


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2012
I was reading some old threads about muzzle breaks and none seem to answer my question. I'm under the impression the more break the more noise, so I'd like to find a side break that doesn't redirect as much to the shooter. I know I will feel more recoil but this is really only to extend shooting sessions and possibly visualize POI's. This is for 300wm.

What are some good breaks to start looking at?
I've got a 3-port slabbed mini-magnum Muscle brake on my 300WM. The first port is horizontal, and the 2nd and 3rd are angled slightly back. It makes the 300WM feel like a .243Win. I don't have much experience with other brakes, so I don't know how they compare. I just know I didn't want one with ports facing down that would kick up lots of dust when shooting prone.

Based on that graph do you think a break that reduces recoil 50% will have less operator concussion compared to 75% recoil reduction? I know its only a 223 but you get the point.

There is also another test (I cant find it) that measures operator noise. If you can find please post it.
I'm going with a Vias on my 300WM.

From their site, "Recoil reduction of up to 50% is common with the large 7mm and 300 magnums."

I've used JEC Customs brakes on several rifles. They are excellent for reducing muzzle-rise for quick follow up shots. I used these on competition precision rifles.
I'm going with a Vias on my 300WM.

From their site, "Recoil reduction of up to 50% is common with the large 7mm and 300 magnums."

I've used JEC Customs brakes on several rifles. They are excellent for reducing muzzle-rise for quick follow up shots. I used these on competition precision rifles.

I certainly do not want any downward ports.. I've already seen the mess they make. From the looks of things, if I get a brake, I may go w/ the JP unless I find something that looks a little less deafening.
If you are at the range use ear plugs and ear muffs. When you go hunting use electronic ear muffs. That way you can take advantage of the best recoil controlling brake available.
I have a radial style brake on a 300WM and a Defensive Edge brake on a 6.5 Sherman. Both work well. The DE brake is side discharge. I prefer the side discharge style. If you shoot from a bipod you will notice the difference quickly.

Any brake will make your rifle way louder. I have never put to rifles next to each other with different brakes so I cannot tell you "differences" in loudness. also, I have never shot a rifle that had a brake without using ear protection. that being said I did have a Taurus Raging bull 454 casual...has ports on top of barrel. also had a Rem Sendero 300 RUM with an OPS brake (ports to the side). both extremely loud, I would not be able to tell the difference. If it were me, I would not be too concerned about the loudness but the comfort of the recoil with the break...and also how it looks on my rifle. I am not too crazy about the JP enterprise brake looks wise but for effectiveness I do not believe you will be able to do much better.
I'd just like to protect my ears as much as possible and not have to wear 4x ear protection. I have what looks like a vais brake on my 284 and I didn't notice much w/ just ear plugs, but the downward ports make a mess.

Heck, its only a 300wm. I don't really need a brake, just thought it would be nice to see long range hits.

I read an article comparing brakes and the decibels at the operators position, I just cannot find it.
I'd just like to protect my ears as much as possible and not have to wear 4x ear protection. I have what looks like a vais brake on my 284 and I didn't notice much w/ just ear plugs, but the downward ports make a mess.

Heck, its only a 300wm. I don't really need a brake, just thought it would be nice to see long range hits.

I read an article comparing brakes and the decibels at the operators position, I just cannot find it.

Jerry did >>>
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