I've chased my tail for too long. the very first round i tried in my 7mm was a 160gr factory accubond. it shot .2-.34 groups at 100yd. i would have stopped there but i wanted an all copper projectile for hunting. the 139lrx shot an occasional .75 group but wasn't consistent and the 160tsx/168vdl had 2-5" groups at 200yd. the groups opening up seem to be the result of adding a new muzzle brake (jp tank). the factory brake from fierce grouped better and was much lighter weight. after adding the heavier jp tank i was able to shoot a 6" 3 shot at 700 with the lrx, which showed promise. the next time out, the bullets were flying. after trouble shooting scope, mounts, barrel contact, action screws, myself, etc. i went back to the accubond and the factory muzzle brake. it shot a .33" group. i threw on the jp tank and the group opened up to about 2". the first shot was always a flyer with this brake as a cold bore shot. full disclosure, i did bore out the brake to comfortably shoot at 30 cal and sanded down any burrs. i still believe the weight may have affected the harmonics. it's a shame because i had no issue spotting hits at 100 yards with this brake. my factory radial has a bit of flip and plenty of dust blow up to prevent spotting hits.
so, now i'm back to the decision of shooting the accubonds or selling the gun and finding something to shoot a copper bullet. how much lead do accubonds really shed when shooting lungs? my small sample size of 1 cow with an accubond was a double lung pass though with no blood trail.