Oh, come on now... People at my range love me, my AR50 and the fantastic brake.
Why, just last week a group of highpower shooters came and set up all around me. Funky rifles, shooting mats, spotting scopes, bags, slings, jackets and all manner of paraphernalia within a few feet and on both sides of the mighty 50.
I let them get all curled up and comfy with their whopping load of gear - all twisted, buttoned and primped into their straightjackets and all.
Why, they didn't even comment on the tornado I had on my bench. They just laid down to shoot.
Just as they were all getting into firing position, I courteously reminded them that this was a .50 BMG. One of their more intelligent members shrugged, "Uhhh... Yeah, so?".
I said, "Well, it really doesn't matter to me, but when I pull the trigger, it'll matter to you for two reasons. The first thing to happen will be that your spotting scopes, mats and hairpeices will all fly in a roughly northerly or southerly direction at high speed. Second, you will catch on fire."
The look on their faces was priceless. Yep, they love me...
The AR50 brake is far and away the most effective brake design for the BMG. Check out
www.biggerhammer.net to get the full picture. It is so effective, and channels gases so directly, that it is a real danger to those directly beside you.