Muzzle Brake Prodject


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
Guys I have a Proof Research barrel chambered in 7 Mag on my Sako A7. The barrel is threaded 5/8x28 and currently has a Pacific Tool & Gauge mini brake on it. The brake works fine it just flings debris all over me and the rifle. I have never been a fan of radially ported brakes for this reason but wanted to try the little PT&G. What I am looking for is a brake similar to the Muscle, Pain Killer or other slab style brakes. The catch would be I want a slot machined in the side and a allen bolt installed so I can time it my self. I know Benchmark used to do this with the original Muscle brakes but I cant find one in the thread pattern I need. This would also be similar to the Badger brakes. If one of the fine Smiths on this site can help out that would be great.


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Guys I have a Proof Research barrel chambered in 7 Mag on my Sako A7. The barrel is threaded 5/8x28 and currently has a Pacific Tool & Gauge mini brake on it. The brake works fine it just flings debris all over me and the rifle. I have never been a fan of radially ported brakes for this reason but wanted to try the little PT&G. What I am looking for is a brake similar to the Muscle, Pain Killer or other slab style brakes. The catch would be I want a slot machined in the side and a allen bolt installed so I can time it my self. I know Benchmark used to do this with the original Muscle brakes but I cant find one in the thread pattern I need. This would also be similar to the Badger brakes. If one of the fine Smiths on this site can help out that would be great.

I am not a smith or have any experience with it but you might want to check out Clamp On Muzzle Brake Clamp On Muzzle Brake [MB1] - $89.00 : Witt Machine

ADDED: Clamp-on Muzzlebrakes - Sniper Central

Good luck!

+1 on the timing washers. You can buy them by themselves from Brownells and such. They come in various thicknesses in a kit. Work like a charm. Then you can use any brake you like.
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