Most of us are Truly Blessed

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Just spent the past few hours back and forth from our neighbor's up the road. Their home caught on fire. The owner came home and opened the front door and black smoke billowed out. She called 911 and they think that her two dogs got loose in the house and somehow started a fire. Unfortunately the dogs passed away but no one else was injured. Hopefully the inside of the house can be repaired and won't be a total loss. Won't know until tomorrow when the inspectors come in to evaluate.
It's a hard how things can happen to you and turn your life upside-down.
Hopefully the inside of the house can be repaired and won't be a total loss.
Very, very sad when this happens. I've had to assist the FD on countless house fires and typically whatever the fire doesn't 'eat' suffers anyway, to a large degree, during the 'ventilation' and 'overhaul' operations performed. My heart goes out to these folks…🙁
Having come home to a burned down house when I was about 8 years old, I was certainly thankful I was not home - but looked down at what clothes/shoes I had on, what was in my pocket (a Schrade pocketknife and some change) thinking this is all I have. And worse, thinking about my Dad having built this house, pretty much by himself - now having to rebuild it. Brings back some harsh memories, yet good ones also.
You're absolutely right Len, regardless of our circumstances - we still are so blessed.
Yes sir we are. It is a reminder that all these things are temporary even this body we live in. " There is coming a day...". Our Lord is coming soon. Len our prayers are for your neighbors as they begin to clean up and rebuild as we must occupy until he comes


Yes sir we are. It is a reminder that all these things are temporary even this body we live in. " There is coming a day...". Our Lord is coming soon. Len our prayers are for your neighbors as they begin to clean up and rebuild as we must occupy until he comes


So True!!!!
God Bless
Len & Jill

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