More powder lately, but the prices! 😮

I'm seriously considering buying enough powder to last me 20 years regardless of current prices. I'm blessed to be of good health (I'm 46 years old) and have a good, adequate income (I thank God for both!) and I'm betting 20 years from now I'll be wishing I would have stocked up today. Now I just need to figure out what those powders should be.
I did that during the Clinton years when we had the primer shortage and couldn't find primers anywhere. I still have some of it but I didn't buy enough H4895 or IMR4350! I bought a bunch of different 8 pound kegs including the H4895 and IMR4350 -- but should have bought 2 kegs of each of those because they were the types of powder I used the most. However I went a step further and also bought a Corbin Press and bullet dies for .224, .257 and .338 for making jacketed rifle bullets -- which were the most prominent calibers I was shooting at the time. Now I don't even own a .338 and wish I'd bought .277 dies instead because that's my main big game caliber now! Getting into making jacketed bullets can be an expensive process but it was worth it for me because no shortage has stopped me from range time since!
So -- bite the bullet and buy what you think you'll need but go further and buy more than you think you'll need! But don't forget the brass, primers and bullets!
At the current price of powders, sales tax would be the least of my concerns. If these powder manufacturers would be less greedy and stop inflating their products to double the cost of what it's really worth I think we'd gladly pay sales tax. Just as we did before the scam-demic.

That said, we shouldn't have to pay tax at all. It is not well known that we didn't have state sales tax until the great depression in '29. 🤔
Would be nice if Trump removes tax away from Social Security. I agree, Brandon deliberately put it to our retirement budget. Getting back to powder, would like to see some IMR 4831. I won't even mention price. Maybe we should seek USAID and say our rifles are fluid and non binary. 😵‍💫 Let's contact Pocahontas and Schumer, I meant Harris and Tampon Tim. After all they claim to be gun owners! 🤮
I'm with you guys on SS, I may be forced to retire in May if I can't find work. That would make it much better for me. I keep wondering if Trump will also remove tax from income while you're on SS. My wife thinks I'm crazy...

That said, we shouldn't have to pay tax at all. It is not well known that we didn't have state sales tax until the great depression in '29. 🤔
Different debate but generally agreed. I would caution you that you are supporting what you don't support!
Different debate but generally agreed. I would caution you that you are supporting what you don't support!
I kind of agree, cause it doesn't seem like I have too much choice. Some of the auction houses are charging 10.75% sales tax, and most are getting 20% premium on wins. These same auction houses were charging less than 10% tax a year ago, and only 15% premium on wins. It's really not just reloading components, that's a small part of the big picture. It's groceries, gas, ISPs, medical, rent, et al...just that reloading components I will hoard to make myself feel better. :rolleyes:

And to make matters worse, I'm gonna pay $65/lb (plus tax) for H1000 tomorrow when I go to Sportsman's Warehouse to pick up some magnum primers, mainly because they have it on the shelf. I don't need it, but, "Powder is better in times of no money, than money is in times of no powder..." words to live by.;)
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I kind of agree, cause it doesn't seem like I have too much choice. Some of the auction houses are charging 10.75% sales tax, and most are getting 20% premium on wins. It's really not just reloading components, that's a small part of the big picture. It's groceries, gas, ISPs, medical, rent, et al...just that reloading components I will hoard to make myself feel better. :rolleyes:
You have every choice any American does. The idea that you don't have a choice is exactly what NewScum wants for his disciples.
You don't want sales tax...move to where you don't have sales tax. Until then, support sales tax. 🤷‍♂️
You have every choice any American does. The idea that you don't have a choice is exactly what NewScum wants for his disciples.
You don't want sales tax...move to where you don't have sales tax. Until then, support sales tax. 🤷‍♂️
Your absolutely right. I could move if I wanted, but feel I have so much invested in my retirement home/shop, I hope things will get better in CA. I'm digging in my heels and fighting. Running away is easy in comparison. I could probably get more land, but all of CA is not so expensive. I see land for sale in Redding area for about $30k-$50k for 10 acre lots that one can hunt on. Some backed up to BLM land, many with electrical by the property. Tax on $30k is only $300/year. I know I could find something bigger in ID, or MT, or WY, but that's a big and my wife have gathered a lot of stuff over 40 plan is to leave both homes to the kids and hope they keep them.🤞
Your absolutely right. I could move if I wanted, but feel I have so much invested in my retirement home/shop, I hope things will get better in CA. I'm digging in my heels and fighting. Running away is easy in comparison. I could probably get more land, but all of CA is not so expensive. I see land for sale in Redding area for about $30k-$50k for 10 acre lots that one can hunt on. Some backed up to BLM land, many with electrical by the property. Tax on $30k is only $300/year. I know I could find something bigger in ID, or MT, or WY, but that's a big and my wife have gathered a lot of stuff over 40 plan is to leave both homes to the kids and hope they keep them.🤞
The hope that CA gets better is about as wishful as the title of this thread! There is a wealth of opportunity out there in this great country brother. They key is having the courage to go and get it. I respect your situation either way!
Sounds like the anti-gunners are moving there and taking over your state. Before I was hunting, I used to go to the Intergloken in Broomfield. That's the root of the problem, it gave anti-gun Californians an easy move to CO, when they thought they were getting away from California...only to find out Colorado is turning into California...that's working out pretty good for you folks, heh? :rolleyes:

In fact, Colorado was the first time I had ever been in a Wal Mart. TSA took my swiss pocket knife for the 2nd time, so I went in one to buy one. It's just something I don't think about...we're talking about a 2" blade.

We now have an 11% tax on the sale of guns and ammo...but let's see what the SCOTUS has to say about that. Could be good news for both of us. Our constitutional rights are not supposed to be taxed.;)
Colofornia. They follow Kommiefornia's lead
I know I lived there most my life. First Washington then Oregon. Nevada and Arizona might be coming back. I'll leave it at that. Northern And Central Ca. Still red but the big liber city's get the electoral vote and Legislature 70% lib dems. God help you.
I don't shoot an awful lot. I'm seriously considering buying enough powder to last me 20 years regardless of current prices. I'm blessed to be of good health (I'm 46 years old) and have a good, adequate income (I thank God for both!) and I'm betting 20 years from now I'll be wishing I would have stocked up today. Now I just need to figure out what those powders should be.
Drive down. I'll stock you up. Otherwise it would be torched off at my funeral.
Colofornia. They follow Kommiefornia's lead
I know I lived there most my life. First Washington then Oregon. Nevada and Arizona might be coming back. I'll leave it at that. Northern And Central Ca. Still red but the big liber city's get the electoral vote and Legislature 70% lib dems. God help you.
Well, I just saw that Bonta announced that he's not going to be running for Governor, he's going to be running for DA again. He said he was supporting Hairy@$$ to come back and run for Governor. I will never vote for her.

This may finally do it. Everyone may see CA go red! We're taking this state back, it's too beautiful to see it go down the toilet. 🗽 We do have a fair amount of BLM land in CA, all of which is huntable. IMO, there is a nice upside to public land hunting. BLM states you need to be 150 feet off the road, and can't shoot across the road.

This BLM issue may not be pertinent to other states as much. As an example, Yosemite is in CA, and is on public land. But I was reading about Yellowstone once and it was so convoluted between public and private land, it was hard to understand. And, at the end of the day the Government manages it...that's never a good thing...