More powder lately, but the prices! 😮


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2023
We've all been seeing the prices going up and up and up...and I do see more powder at Sportsman's Warehouse in my area, yet the prices are crazy stupid.

Varget for $67/lb. Most Hodgdon is $65/lb...somehow I think I'm supposed to be happy about that. Since we can buy components over the counter in CA, I'm a sucker when I see powder I can use. I see H1000 for $66/lb. I admit, I'm a reloading components hoarder. :rolleyes:

I honestly never thought I would see the day when Hodgdon costs more than Vitavori...but Sportsman's Warehouse is selling N570 for $65/lb. 🤔
be fortunate to buy locally as i always have to pay hazmat + shipping, so buying in bulk (30-50#) helps me out to bring price down. either this summer i need to do road trips to find farm equipment from tx (including ok, ne, ia and mo)- co- wy- mt- sd- mn maybe across to oh.
be fortunate to buy locally as i always have to pay hazmat + shipping, so buying in bulk (30-50#) helps me out to bring price down. either this summer i need to do road trips to find farm equipment from tx (including ok, ne, ia and mo)- co- wy- mt- sd- mn maybe across to oh.
Like I said, I haven't seen so much powder. 1 lb tubs of H4350, Varget, H1000, CFEBLK, V570, etc...these are powders that I would loved to find a couple years ago, but the prices are like $20/lb higher... 🤔 There are also a lot of 4lb tubs now, as well as 8 lbs. Buying 8 lbs of Hodgdon gets it for $50/lb. 🤔 Not looking to spend $400 though.

I like Varget in 308, so don't want to use it, I have about 6 lbs. I also have about 5 or 6 lbs of IMR 8208 XBR, another overpriced powder. I started using it as it meters better on a Dillon than the Varget. I still have ~200 loads with Varget and 175gr SMKs, I can use that for home defense I guess...I can't hunt with it. I can target shoot, but what's the point if I can't hunt with it? I like to practice with the same ammo I'll be hunting with. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Like I said, I haven't seen so much powder. 1 lb tubs of H4350, Varget, H1000, CFEBLK, V570, etc...these are powders that I would loved to find a couple years ago, but the prices are like $20/lb higher... 🤔 There are also a lot of 4lb tubs now, as well as 8 lbs. Buying 8 lbs of Hodgdon gets it for $50/lb. 🤔 Not looking to spend $400 though.

I like Varget in 308, so don't want to use it, I have about 6 lbs. I also have about 5 or 6 lbs of IMR 8208 XBR, another overpriced powder. I started using it as it meters better on a Dillon than the Varget. I still have ~200 loads with Varget and 175gr SMKs, I can use that for home defense I guess...I can't hunt with it. I can target shoot, but what's the point if I can't hunt with it? I like to practice with the same ammo I'll be hunting with. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
I understand that it's higher, but wait until you add the rest of the cost. Do to some federal officials giving away state secrets to foreign countries doesn't help in this department. If I can find the link I'll post. I believe it was a federal reserve person.
I understand that it's higher, but wait until you add the rest of the cost. Do to some federal officials giving away state secrets to foreign countries doesn't help in this department. If I can find the link I'll post. I believe it was a federal reserve person.
Just that everything is going up at astounding speed...primers selling for $150/1000, powder $65/lb, brass $1.50-$2.00/ea, etc...

I saw Desantis is declaring a tax free period during the summer for the state of Florida to pay the tax on all firearms related items. That would be nice to see spread...but not in my state.
I agree powder prices, well all of it is so far out of control and a huge rip off!! And yet I continue to buy because it's a real hobby of mine and I have been doing it for about 10 years now. Welcome to Merica' folks.
Supply/demand--- needs/wamts

Yet people still are willing to pay $80/ gal for Starbucks coffee and $90k for a pickup truck

Gotta pay to play now a days

Could be worse- check out the price of rl26 on gunjoker

Supply/demand--- needs/wamts

Yet people still are willing to pay $80/ gal for Starbucks coffee and $90k for a pickup truck

Gotta pay to play now a days

Could be worse- check out the price of rl26 on gunjoker

View attachment 642700
Maybe true for some but I don't drink coffee and I drive a 2013 Honda but I do get your point. I still have primers from before the scam-demic. Decisions have consequences.
We've all been seeing the prices going up and up and up...and I do see more powder at Sportsman's Warehouse in my area, yet the prices are crazy stupid.

Varget for $67/lb. Most Hodgdon is $65/lb...somehow I think I'm supposed to be happy about that. Since we can buy components over the counter in CA, I'm a sucker when I see powder I can use. I see H1000 for $66/lb. I admit, I'm a reloading components hoarder. :rolleyes:

I honestly never thought I would see the day when Hodgdon costs more than Vitavori...but Sportsman's Warehouse is selling N570 for $65/lb. 🤔
The bottom line is that one must pay to play. I have seen many people complain about prices but never prepare for them. I started this thread in 2020:

Two or three years ago, I purchased powders under $30; now, when available, they are $60 and up.
The Hodgdon powders are around $55 a pound wholesale plus hazmat hopping costs. It is much higher than it used to be.
I just bought two pounds of retumbo at a lgs in western pa for $112 otd. Seems about $50-$55 per pound is going rate nowadays. I'd rather be shooting than saving money.
Yesterday I paid $50 for a pound of MagPro and $65 for a pound of VV N560. I know it's a first world problem but I am in the process of trying new to me powders in order to find alternatives to the Alliant stuff I have used for years.