More big money give aways coming up!

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
19,049 registered members.

Adding them at the rate of 8,000 per year. And that rate is increasing. My guess is that by the end of the year we will project a 10,000 member increase in 2010.

We have 100,000 different people visit the site each month.
that is great. almost as great as this forum
this forum never seeks to amaze me, the talent that visits this forum is probably some of the best out their across the board, shooting, gun building, hunting, reloading, their just about no end. but in my opinion what really makes this forum special to me is the help i have received from people that have never really met me. just think about that. My farther always told me never judge a book by it's cover. it is what is inside a person that makes a person. Well in my opinion the people here are so willing to help and share their experiences it is almost like having a grandpa or Dad helping you with a hobby that you really love.
it is sometimes like you have thousands of people looking out for you. now if that does not give you a warm feeling.
not to rail road this forum on the free things.
bring them on i just consider that ONE BIG BONUS!!!!!!!
The more members the better. This is the most informative site I have ever been on and it is the members that keep it that way. Free give aways is a great bonus. Good luck to eveyone.:)
Hey Len,

As I said before, THANKS FOR ALL THE TEACHING!!! to all the members in the board.
Now we have to say, THANKS FOR THE WINNING CHANCES we have with the give aways you are doing.
I was wondering, is there any chance you could talk one of the sponsors into running a contest with the grand prize a trip to attend the 2010 shot show with them.
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