mils relates to metric because its base 10 measurements, also 1 meter is closer to one mil. did you guys forget all this? that is why its equated to the metric system.
I make the point about mils, because for some reason many people that advocate its useage are claiming to be so much superior and are showing elitism. Its like oh I use Mils I operate on a different level, you are basically a dipchit using the MOA system. That is why I make those points. There is a failure to see that both systems have advantages in certain situations is what these people fail to see. comments like I used to use MOA but that is stupid MILS are SOOO much better, its like what in the actual hell you are talking about. They are just units of measure. use whatever works for you.
tactical elitism is real, these are the seal team 6 wanna be's. pretty easy to spot, rifles are a bloated chassis system rifle, usually have a massive quick detachable scope mount that has a ton of extra unneeded weight. The scopes are thought well if 30mm tubes are great 34mm and even 40 mm is even better. The scopes are basically hubble telescopes that are 3#'s or more. I see guys like this every time I roll up on the range.
these are the guys that spread the elitism, MOA sucks and you are inferior, all scopes that aren't FFP are junk. every miss on the target you are supposed to know it was 6/10's mil of a miss and not 8/10's of a mill miss, the reticle is a ruler I dunno maybe they do see the misses better than me because the rifle weighs in at 21#'s and uses a massive muzzlebreak for 6.5 creed. that is other nonsense annoying muzzle breaks on bloated rifles shooting moderate power cartridges like 308 or 6.5 creed.
tactical elitism, don't let anyone tell you or convince you MOA is wrong or bad.