Midway USA ffl shipping


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
I ordered a rifle from midway last Thursday. Today I got an email saying they didn't receive what they needed from my ffl dealer. I called the ffl dealer Friday and they told me they sent a copy of their license over. Now if I don't get it figured out over the phone tomorrow my order will be canceled and I'll have to pay 10% restocking fee. Anybody else have this problem with midway? I've used this ffl dealer in the past without issue
When you upload a file, such as a FFL or tax certificate, you have to give it time to 'load' before exiting. upload takes a few sometimes, depends upon connection speed. I had to scroll down a bit to see load progress (the green bar showing 'uploading'), and then 'complete'.
I've only used recommended ffls from the midway sight. I've no idea if it is more than anecdotal but his opinion was midway was one of his hardest to get it all sorted with.

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