Mid-Life Reloading vs. Buying Ammo Crisis

I'm not comparing it to factory..It's way better but once you get hooked up
just call and tell them what you need? They make it and ship it to you.
I understand some guys like reloading that's cool..I don't that should be cool too?
I would rather be in my greenhouse with my Orchids?
I'm not comparing it to factory..It's way better but once you get hooked up
just call and tell them what you need? They make it and ship it to you.
I understand some guys like reloading that's cool..I don't that should be cool too?
I would rather be in my greenhouse with my Orchids?
Right, you compared it to handloads.
Just like last week when you called out Predator Slayer to come to KY to shoot against some national champion in a hand picked competition, knowledgeable handloaders would offer the same type of invitation to you.
Hah, I need to show this to my wife. Being a retired engineer and owner of 338LM, also she seems to think I am anal. Over the years I think she might be right.

Shoot safe and have fun.
You might also tell her that reloaders work off mechanical action, which one needs to remember so they can duplicate some of the action when their bodies wear out later on in life!
You might also tell her that reloaders work off mechanical action, which one needs to remember so they can duplicate some of the action when their bodies wear out later on in life!
So... here I am... busy as heck like the rest of the world. I've spent thousands upon thousands on all my reloading equipment and consumables. Literally have spared no expense. You know what I'm talking about... Autotrickler v3 with all Area 419 upgrades, AMP Mk II Annealer, Giraud Trimmer, Forster Co-AX, Dillon XL 650, wet and dry tumbler... about 10 calibers I reload for.

At what point in your all's experience has it dawned that maybe the TIME investment (including the monetary investment) isn't worth it over buying ammo? Seems to be ALOT of great custom ammo shops out there. Even factory loads these days are great. All of my rifles are either custom or high end factory (AI, DT, LMT).

It's a snowball effect, I barely have any time to shoot as it is, and when I do have time, I am always reminded that, "Oh... I have to reload first" (I refuse to buy ammo since I have everything I need to reload)

I buy and sell all the time and about 90% of the time I'm taking a loss. So... as invested as I am I don't really want to sell it all piece by piece (headache) and still take a loss. Help. Anyone in the same boat?
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