Back to Federal, I'd be surprised if 9mm & 5.56 ammo are not Vistas #1 & #2 ballistic products, regardless of the primers we don't have those meat and potatoes items available either. This is not Federal's first rodeo, they have had as much time to prepare for this as we have. So what has Federal doing all this time? Business as usual in unusual times? If Federal wants to be the industry leader, well then lead. Running from behind making excuses IMO is hardly leadership. They have their finger on the pulse of this market better than anyone, for them to be caught with their pants down in inexcusable.
Put the make-up and camera down, roll up your sleeves, and go make some ammo. (or primers, whatever)
The bottom line is Federal as well as others were either unprepared for the market situation, or, their not being honest. Some of us amateur's saw it coming, and prepared, why not Federal? The blame for being unprepared lays solely at the feet of Federals management.