Meplat deforming in magazine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
In my 308 fnar the meplat (tip) of the bullet gets flattened and deformed from the recoil of the rifle slamming the bullets onto the front of the metal magazine. I was using 168 smk and they looked pretty bad so I switched to 178 amax and they do the same thing to the plastic tip. I'm sure it is effecting the bc of the bullet.
I was woundering how others deal with this or if it doesn't effect trajectory enough to worry about. I do shoot long range with this rifle 1000 yards.
I have the same problem with my 300 WSM. I added a brake and keep my OAL to .001 under max magazine length so the cartridges can't "travel" very far. Seems to help.
Thanks, I can't load mine any longer or the bullet slips into the lands when the bolt closes and accuracy goes to crap. I just glued a strip of plastic on the inside of the mag so there's about .010 of free space as the bullet rests in the mag, was about .110. Havnt shot any more yet. Woundering what all the PRS guys do?
There is a reason snipers still use bolt guns... Semi auto's are simply rough on ammo, its just a fact of life. If the gas system is adjustable, one might also tame it a bit. But direct recoil reduction is going to take a better brake (not a flash hider !).

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