Mc Millan Stocks


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2010
Are these stocks better than the rest or just buying the name?
Gunsmith has been waiting for one for ever it seems like and he said something went wrong that they had to remake it now.
Im sure everyone has a mishap now and then but its been over a year know/
IMO, McMillan stocks are excellent. But the company isn't perfect. One of the members of our group ordered a stock that was incorrectly weighted. They offered to replace it but they run their manufacturing schedule to handle certain models at certain times and he would have had to wait until his model was back on the production schedule - which I suspect is what happened in your case.
There, IMO, other stocks of equal quality out there. It's a matter of personal choice. But you can buy a McMillan stock "off the shelf" if you're willing to accept a model close to but not exactly like the one you have on order.

Click here for Stocky's:
Thanks for the website. Gunsmith said the B&c tactical looked better then the Mc Millan with the extra options for a Mark V action
I am a big fan of the McMillan "molded in" stocks", having built four rifles with them, A5, A3, M40, and sporter(shown on my M70 Winchester in my photo from over 10 years ago). My MM stocked rifles still look new and the fit perfect after years of hard use. I can't say that about my B&C and HS Precision stocks which don't seem to have the durability showing visibly worn and chipped finishes. I have not tried the Manners which I have considered, but mixed reviews pushed me back to the McMillan. All my MM's were drop-ins/pillar bedded. All I did was bed the lug recess and the resultant bedding, perfect. They are costly and the wait long, but I think they are well worth it. IMHO.
B&C is not in the same class as McMillan, or even close. Will it work for you? Probably.

Stocks are just like actions, trigger & optics. Once you've had the best, one can rarely enjoy something less.

Believe it or not, I own more Manners stocks than McMillan however, I still prefer the fit, finish & overall comfort of my McM A-5 over anything i've used from Manners.

IMHO, if you've saved for eons to build the perfect rifle, don't skimp now as you may regret it later.

I agree with outlaw. The B&C will certainly work, but I've run HS B&C and mcmillan and now I always want the mcmillan when I plan a new gun. They feel the best and are super tough
I agree with outlaw. The B&C will certainly work, but I've run HS B&C and mcmillan and now I always want the mcmillan when I plan a new gun. They feel the best and are super tough

I would of liked to had one too but after a year and than find out something got screwed up (either the order or the stock) I had to reconsider.
Besides the B&C offers an adj. cheek piece for Mark V action that the Mc Millan does not.
Hey I tried but Patience got the best of me.
Everything else was ready to go 6-8 months ago just waiting on the stock. I never did find out which part got screwed up the order or the stock itself.
Thanks for the reply's.
Yeah I can see that mi usually use a remington so most aftermarket stuff is available from somewhere. I certainly would choose a B&C now over a mcmillan in a year
McMillans are unarguably the best but their wait times are ridiculous. On a hunting rifle it's strictly EDGE Mcmillans for me too, anything else is too heavy. I don't do standard fiberglass McMillans on a hunting rifle, might as well go with another maker that doesn't make you wait a year.
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