Mauser m18 6.5PRC


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2020
Central Michigan
Well I cancelled my order after a week and no movement on a in stock Winchester xpr and ordered a mauser that shipped the next day. About $35 cheaper after rebate on XPR. Got gun couple days later. The bolt throw is only about .150" shorter than my 110 7mag. Mauser mag allows about 3.02" in mag but looks like mag has easily a quarter inch that can be removed from rear and bolt face would still be about a quarter inch behind mag. The trigger is mostly plastic with what looks like a sear engagement screw that is glued in place. The weight adjustment screw in trigger blade went below 1lb but not sure how low it would go as I went back to just over 1lb. No overtravel adjustment. Will get it sighted in tomorrow.
Well we may never know as gun was returned for service. However we will know how good customer service and warranty is? I was alittle concerned when the manual has no address for warranty other than Germany. My warranty card has to be filled out within ten days(I didn't get one). I had gun 1 and 1/2 days and never shot it.
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Well we may never know as gun was returned for service. However we will know how good customer service and warranty is? I was alittle concerned when the manual has no address for warranty other than Germany. My warranty card has to be filled out within ten days(I didn't get one). I had gun 1 and 1/2 days and never shot it.
What was the problem? Also you may need the longer magazine if you want to shoot the longest bullets like the 156 Bergers. Not a must but would let you seat the bullets out farther.
Brother Elk Wallow, I'm sure if I'm going to shoot longer than 3.02" I will have to freebore the lead more. The gun was sent in for a quality control problem. I will know more after they see the gun. I locktighted the rail on so it's not going anywhere.
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I shipped gun like one and a half days after I received it. They received it on Monday the 21st but were closed for the week for Christmas. I called this Monday the 28th they said 3 weeks or more. Season closes Friday. Dang.
Well it's been over seven months since I bought the mauser and I just picked up my 3rd or 4th gun. A Sig 100. Am I happy? No. Barrel is 1/2" shorter. Original problem was gun was chambered with a dull reamer and riflings were hammered over to three times their width. I received original gun with heavy brass embedded on bolt face indicating high pressure loads. If I fired a heavy handload in gun I'm sure there would be big problems. Sent gun back on my dime $50. Received second gun with same problem. They got a third gun but upon inspection it had same problem. So I missed filling freezer and two unused doe tags@$20 each. They upgraded me to the 100 but I wanted the extra 1/2" barrel. I inspected leade and it looks good just a little off center of bore. Dang. Well at least it's over,(7 months later).
I have a Christensen 6.5cm that was chambered just off center as well. It shoots pretty dang good though!
I was interested in the Mauser until I learned the barrel is not threaded into the receiver.
Their accuracy guarantee is impressive and many shoot VERY well.
There barrels
I was interested in the Mauser until I learned the barrel is not threaded into the receiver.
Their accuracy guarantee is impressive and many shoot VERY well.
The barrels are threaded, so is the Sauer 100, the USA market rifles are threaded. For other countries there pressed in, but they get a threaded muzzle standard. It would be very easy making a new barrel for the m18/100
I have the m18 in 6.5 creed.for a cheap gun,I like it.very adequate hunting rifle...
Mine shoots very well...
This was the first load I worked up with my 6.5prc m18. It was close to deer season and I used what I had, ended up being a nice deer load. This is about as cheap of a load as possible to other the h-1000 being a few more bucks them some other powders.

hard to see but 57.0 and 57.5 where was a nice node, load I ended up using was.
140 speer hotcor
57.0 H-1000
Hornady brass
wlr primer
2.850 col, (ogive is pretty high, eldm are 2.950
fl sized no crimp
2900ish never chronoed it yet.

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