I had a live in girlfriend quite some time ago.
She came out of the bedroom one morning and looked down the hallway. There I stood -
Stark naked leaning over the kitchen sink and out the window with a 22 trying to knock a crow out of a tree. What a laugh!!
Good times
You are cruising for a bruising shooting out of momma's dining room. I know some people will scoff at the thought but chuck is pretty good table fare. Boil a little bit and fry in a iron skillet with butter. Ate lots of it as kids. It's actually a favorite but I don't tell just anyone my secret.
I live in a semi-rural area in San Diego County. We have more than our share of the forty pound cockroaches, more commonly known as coyotes, that constantly try to to eat our dog. So far the coyotes are on the losing end of the equation but I worry that my ten year old pooch is not going to come back someday.
To the point. I have shot coyotes in many stages of undress whether or not everyone is awake. My wife has seen three coyotes teaming up on our pooch and has been very nice to me when I let one rip. I have used a 17 HMR but I don't like the lack of dead right there with the small bullet. They die but not where I can find them. My favorite is my 22-250. 70 grain Berger has been, much to my surprise, very efficient. I have to admit that the distances that I am shooting are not very long, between 10 yard and longest 168 yards.
Bottom line for me is I just don't like coyotes and shot them on sight. Front porch, bedroom porch and back porch. Doesn't matter.
Go for it!!!! If she loves you she'll understand!!!I'm getting a bit bored. It's a dreary day in central MD, so I'm getting creative. It's 185-200 yard chip-shot to the food plot from the MBR and there's a big fat chuck down there eating the deer fodder. A little overkill with the 6.5L and a 143 ELD-M but I don't care. If I don't get him tonight, I should have a crack at him in the AM. He's been coming out around 7:30AM. The report will double as an alarm clock. At least that's what I plan on telling her.View attachment 190288
I'm with Deputy819, what he saidDang! I was really hoping to see that whistle-pig taking a dirt nap this morning. Wake the wife up a little earlier than usual (@ 06:30 or so) with 'Breakfast in Bed'. Then while she's enjoying your hard kitchen labors ease that 6.5 out the door.....
That's exactly how it is in our house Bucklowery. Sometimes it turns into an argument over who pulls the trigger, we all hunt and shoot lol!I just yell hold your ears or hand her ear muffs. She knows the drill. The range is hot 24-7. The double doors in the back opens up for a greater field of view
Glad to see I am not the only one shooting from home
Oh if it's a pic of damage look at this one. 22-250ai and 55 noslerbt. Was looking right at me.