Marines grade their equipment

The Match Kings were allowed because the desgine was to make the bullet more accurate not a more effecient killing tool , see its ok to use ammo that allows you to make better shots so you can splatter the bad guys brains rather than just shoot him full of holes. Kinda like wiping your butt then taking a dump , its exactly the same but totaly differant
I'm not sure what kinda drugs the jack offs that signed us up for the "rules" of war were on but they must have been some good ones. I still don't see how your gonna try to combat an enemy like we are with a set of rules.

I'm not gonna get into any sort of politics as this isn't the boards main objective but when I got up and run for president I plan to throw a major wrench in the BS system we have. We are the biggest baddest boy on the block and while I don't condone being a bully when sombody step on your toes after you have warned them then they need to be crushed so the next time you say "thats enough" they know what the repercussions will be.

Personaly I think that the only people making the decisions about what our boys get to use in combat should be the guys that have been in a combat situation. Being shot at is a very sobering experiance , especaily when your rig has jammed up and is now only a deciant bat
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