Manners Stock Experience?


Apr 28, 2010
Just wanted to hear about people's experience with ordering a Manner's stock and what the turn around time was. I am currently trying to complete my first custom rifle build, and seem to be a bit delayed because of the stock. When I ordered the stock Manner's quoted me 9 weeks. At around the 7 week mark I added a Terry Cross cheek to the build they said that would be an additional 3 weeks for a total of 12 weeks. Well today is the 12 week anniversary, I called and they said hopefully it should be ready in 2 weeks. One reason I chose Manner's was the turn around time.

Hoping to hear about other experiences!

Have a T3, a T4 and a Manners GAT.

All great stocks, fit and finish is second to none.

Very pleased with them all. Worth the little extra wait in my opinion. And they are a TON faster than McMillan for sure !
Thanks Sendero. Your words are encouraging my patients. I am very excited to get this gun together. I have no doubt Manner's product will definitely be worth the wait.

Thanks Again
My newest one... Manners GAT 90% shell !


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I only have one a T2 but way pleased with it.
It does seem a little strange that it is taking so long, Tom seemed very on the ball when I rung him from NZ, actually he was still at work 7pm.

Mine was uninletted a still took 4 weeks.

It will be worth the wait, my mate waited 18 months for his McMillian AND he wanted to send it back because of the shocking job of finishing on it, but because we are on the other side of the world he put up with it:rolleyes:


Regards 300WSMMAD
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I have had 5 Manners stocks thru the years.
I only have 2 at present, as I have sold some rifles lately, but they are great stocks. And the customer service and turnaround time is great as well.
Rest assured that the wait is well worth it. I built my custom last summer and the Manners was an easy choice. McMillan had over 6 month wait for shipment. I think my Manners T2 was done in about 10 weeks. IMO, even if Manners and McMillan had the same delivery time I would still go with Manners. My next build will have a T2 as well, if I could just decide on the cartridge. :rolleyes:
Thanks for all the positive feedback. I look forward to receiving my Manner's Stock shortly. I spoke with Tom over the telephone, and he advised that it would ship toward the end of the week, and he held true to his word. Tom was a true gentleman to speak with, and very professional. I am very anxious to get my hands on this stock. Thanks again!
I use predominatly all manners stocks on my custom rifles. His delivery time has slowed just a bit from several years ago but when you make great products this will happen when the orders start flooding in. Still they dont take that long vs other vendors. When you add more options to the builds the time will slow down vs a standard item.

I just got word today that my T5 A stock is about ready, its going on a special build for the owner of
MPI rifles, 338 Snipetac caliber. Carbon fiber barrel from ABS.

Not to highjack the thread, but Dave could you post something on this site about your 375 VM. I think everyone here would find it very interesting.
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