Manners mcs-gat thumbhole stock


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Paradise Valley montana
Does anyone else have this Manners MCS-GAT stock? I have some issues with this stock. I was invoiced for two studs and for the life of me can only find one in the forend, none in the butt of the stock. It looks like I got a one for the price of two discount. Tonight I was able to shoot the rifle for the first time as a complete project and noticed that my Winchester M70 300WM only holds two shells in the magazine now, awesome! The cut out groove to take the bolt out of the action, that is 1 1/2 inches two long sits sharply under my cheek, awesome!

For $600 I bought a hunk of high dollar plastic that showed up with no barrel channel, and was invoiced for two studs with only one installed. I was however told that if I shipped it back to them, that they would fix it. Well, for the cost of the shipping I decided that I should just fix it myself.

Then I paid a gunsmith $300ish to cut the barrel channel cut the notch for the bolt, and while he was at it he pillar bedded the stock. This is not even close to a finished drop in stock.

I would take $450 in a heart beat! I honestly think that I liked the feel of the $99 Bell&Carlson Premier Thumbhole stock better.

I am really regretting building a M70! Because I truly love the feel of the HS Precision thumbhole stock but it only comes for the Rem 700!


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I got the MCS T3 for my Vanguard build. It needed some work as well. The groove for the bolt in mine was about 1/4" too short and it had to be widened a little. The bolt handle cut out also had to be opened up a little. Also, the tang contour was not the right contour for the Vanguard tang as it came up above the stock. They use the Rem 700 shape for their stocks and then inlet for the Howa/Vanguard. We cold either build the stock up or mill the tang down. My smith suggested rounding the edges of the tang of the reciever because Idid not want to build the stock up.

Inletting the the barrel channel is a fairly standard procedure unless you have a standard sporter contour. Typically, you have to either open the channel up or bed it and float it depending on the stock and barrel contour. For my R700 300 RUM build i used an HS Srecision Sendero stock, but the contour was slightly smaller than the Sendero contour so it had to be bedded then floated so there wasn't a big gap between the barrel and the stock. For the Vanguard build in the Manners, there was a channel there but it had to be opened up a little. I'm surprised yours came without a channel. Mine had pillar installed although they advertised that the pillars would have be installed.

All told, for re-inletting the bolt groove, opening up the bolt handle groove and rounding down the tang of the reciever, probably an extra $200 additional build cost.

I would have gone with a B&C Medalist but they don't make the Varmint style (for heavy barrel) in the Vanguard standard/long action.

I like HS Presision stocks but I won't use another 700 action for a build. If I used a custom action, I would consider an HS stock.

Next Vanguard/Howa build I will go with McMillan. I like their choice of finishes much better anyway.
That makes me miss Bob at Lone wolf, drop off barreled action,pick up your pillar bedded kevlar stock with great fit and finish.Thought the price was high at $700 but sounds fair now
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