This is the best advice so far! Look at it as a new trade that you need to up your qualifications and certifications. Take advantage of mgmt supported classes as well as every financial program available. Mgmt ALWAYS appreciates mgmt team members adding to their education and knowledge base.I'd do it. Don't take your foot of the gas though. Invest those 700 hours in yourself. Leadership books & business classes, with topics like: management, financial literacy, budgeting, excel, coaching. Most important is written and verbal communication skill development. Find a mentor or two. Network with other local leaders. Stay out of the office politics. It's a whole new level of petty gossip and bull-pucky in office environments.
Getting into management will open a lot of doors for you, if you do what 90% of other's won't (invest in yourself). If the 10 year shutdown turns into two years from now, you may have a better chance of landing on your feet. Leadership skills are transferable across industries.
- You'll likely lose all your work buddies. Maybe not right away, but eventually. You'll be "one of them." You'll make new friends, so it'll be OK
- Your health could suffer more in a management position. Same diet, with potentially less physical activity/movement will wreck your health. We had a saying at my last job, "sitting all day is the new smoking."
The most difficult personnel issue is establishing work is business with former buddies and get understanding you both have jobs to do. Nothing personal.
It will take time to transition but you have to decide your level of commitment.
I have hired hourly folks into transitional positions and there will be bumps and bruises. They were all successful with support. If you feel you will have the support thru growing pains, it can be the most rewarding step in your total work career.
As others stated, only you can decide if it's time for a change. It sounds to me you are ready to take the step.
Best of luck!