Mags won’t seat


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2012
suffolk va.
Has anyone had a problem with the new magpul pro stock and 700 short action not being able to seat the mag with out modifications
The mags hit the receiver on bottom rear where the screw hole is for the trigger guard.we don't have to do anything when we put the action in my magpul hunter and for 600.00 more I don't think we should have to modify anything to use the same action in a magpul pro
Which brand/caliber mags you using?

I bought a Magpul Pro stock for a future project. It is currently parked under a Rem 700 LTR .223 with MTD mags and no problems. I put it on this rifle to evaluate the stock and get used to the adjustments.
I just now stuck a Magpul 308 AC mag into the stock and no issues but that is on the 223 rifle/bolt.

Following. I bought the stock for a future Bighorn Origin project.
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