Magpul magazine well


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2015
Assawoman VA
Has anyone used these? I'm thinking of buying one for a "quarantine" build. I've got a rem 700 la sitting here and a 260rem take off barrel and a pile of take off 700 stocks I'm going to throw something together for the "why not" factor. But the only thing I need to buy is bottom metal and they look a little to cheap to pass up. Thanks for any input
I did the same thing you are doing. Picked up a used 6.5SLR barrel and cut it off and rechambered it to 6.5x47Lapua, had a 700 long action sitting around. Bought a stockys stock in the viper pattern and used the Magpul bottom metal, it comes with a magazine. Had to just notch the corners ( of the part where the mag goes with a small rat tail file, 10 minutes work ) in the stock for the trigger guard to fit. I purchased mine from Primary Arms, they usually have 12% off. I like it.
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