M77 controlled feed ?

Mmm, understood. Yep you want something fast. In that action, case etc.
Myself I am sold on the .280ai for now, different purpose but I think it's cool.
Sounds like you should be able to fit a suitably chambered barrel with appropriate bore for your choice, unless you research the .280ai and become a convert, just saying.
6mm rem. Brass can be made from ANY of the 57 mm mauser chamberings. Theres lots out there when u start looking for it. 6mm AI. Is 1 nastly little. Lead flinger. And they really need atleast a 3.1 length action to shine. So on a long action. Fling heavies and have fun with it
6mm rem. Brass can be made from ANY of the 57 mm mauser chamberings. Theres lots out there when u start looking for it. 6mm AI. Is 1 nastly little. Lead flinger. And they really need atleast a 3.1 length action to shine. So on a long action. Fling heavies and have fun with it
After much studying about brass availability, extra dies needed, etc.
I'm leaning towards the 6xc at this point. I read lots on it and the 6mm Creedmoor.
They both have excellent brass support and dies are easy enough to get
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