LRH Team Members sound off ...

Welcome aboard this long range community! Just one thing, watch out for fallout, and duck & cover, from any 6.5 Creedmoor or Variant Creedmoor question. Sometimes it's the best entertainment dollar on the internet :D
BTW, I'v three 6.5 Creeds & 2 Variants and luv 'em every time, I take them out to the 1000 yard line 🎯 is what it is.
Well thank you very much I didn't know anybody even paid attention to that stuff and always glad to have another Long Range Hunting team member keep this site going!
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Sounding off 3 builds later after joining in 2013! Each got better from information gleaned off LRH. Many thanks to the patience to all those that helped. LRH seems to be the community where actual technical help can be asked for without getting the "all about me" first. The absolute best attribute of LRH is the number of new friends I have made since 2013. This alone is worth the annual membership.
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