I work with some pretty accurate rifles. I do all my load work ups at 100yds. How do you reconcile that?I'm not going to get into it with Brian but I will with you. 100 yds is just too close to see meaningful differences. We have a 100 yd indoor range. Every rifle I have will duplicate the groups shot there at 300 outside. No idea if it is lighting, their tables, or whatever, but it is pretty consistent. I am not referring to the boattaild going to sleep. Never believed that. I am referring to today's rifles are too accurate to be able to judge loads that close. We don't test enough rounds to have meaningful statistics between loads anyway. Short range only enhances the issue. The more accurate the rifle the worse it is. I believe this is where a lot of the shoots good at 100 but falls apart at 400 comes from.
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