Lothar Walther barrels


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
Spokane , WA.
Has anyone used a lothar walther barrel for their build? I was looking in a Midway catalog and saw a 6.5mm 1:9 26" stainless for $229 and thought it might be a decent deal for my next rig. I have also looked at pac-nors and noticed they are not much more. Decisions. decisions. Any help would be great, thanks guys.

JUST FINISHED A 6.5-06 for a client.

with one of these barrels, it shot very well without load work, 3/4 of an inch@100 meters. I guess that with some load work it could easily make .5MOA. this was done in a battered old savage 110. with the wooden stock. and a lousy simmons scope.

I found that the lothar walther barrels have nicer details out of production, than some shilen, doulgas and a myriad of other "high end" barrels.

I`ll definitely be buying more of these barrels. although they are not cheaper than the shilens in midway´s store.

For what its worth, I borescoped one and wasnt impressed. It had a bunch of machining marks in it and didnt look like it was ever lapped. It looked almost honed.

the finish was going at an angle with the bore instead of parallel with it. That along with the little nicks and imperfections in it has made it so I will never buy one unless they get there procedure refined. Just what I saw though. Never shot one but I dont get to excited about trying something that looks like it wont work. Not saying that they may not shoot decent. Just what I seen.

Bye the way, a labratory grade bore scope dosent lie much and tells truth to much you dont want to ever know.
Beware with Lothar Walther

I purchased a 6.5-284 28in. long barrel with a 1/8 twist. It came with a chamber that had an excesive jump, to be more exact it had .300 jump. I worked the ladder with the 142gr. sierra matchking, the best I got was a 1.5 in. group. The worst of all is that I contacted them, talked to woody, and after I explained what happed I asked if they stand behind their product, he then asked if I altered or tampered with the barrel in any way, I said no, and he was very reluctant to stand behind his product. Finnaly, he agreed to send it back, but he never guaranteed me anything, so I sent it, and thank god it got lost through UPS because I was able to get my money back. I took my money and ordered a Pac-nor. I shot a .172 with five shots at a hundred yards. Real impressed with pac-nor. Turn around and had another order, this time a .338 Edge. I hope this helps and doesnt happen to you.
Interesting! I've been torn between the pac nors and the Lothar. It may be worth the extra couple bucks for a pac nor. plus its a U.S. product ! I wonder how long it would take to get a pac nor in 6.5 #3 contor? krieger is supposedly 3 months out.
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