looking to get a Muzzle Break


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
I am going to put a Muzzle Break on a Sako A7 would like some suggestions on where to get it and how much they run. I live in Northern California but will ship where needed.
Also anyone know of any good Gunsmiths in northern California.

Thanks in advance
I have muscle brakes on 3 rifles and would definitely recommend. Ryan Pierce of Piercision Rifles. He is also a site sponsor. Give him a call.

Piercision Rifles

+1. Ryan installed a brake on one of my rifles and his work is excellent.

Another option is to check out JE Custom who is a site sponsor here. His brake is top of the line.
FEENIX that's impressive but a little bulkier then I'm looking for what do you think about Gentry brakes there from up around your part of the country ?
Just found this guy's website yesterday... anybody used them? They true and straight? Well built?

I tried several times to use this and Ross brakes and they just require too much work to be worth it. The threads are not straight to the body and to get it right a guy has to recut most every surface.
I tried several times to use this and Ross brakes and they just require too much work to be worth it. The threads are not straight to the body and to get it right a guy has to recut most every surface.

When was that? Obviously not recently. The new 4 port brakes will be threaded and OD turned on a CNC turning center before milling. Before that the run out has been very low on the 4 and 5 port brakes for the last year plus. If you knew how they were done you'd understand why.

Giving opinion on something you haven't tried recently isn't worth giving unless stated as such. Ross is Ross, he'll keep doing things the same old way.
Here is a YouTube of my 13 year old son Zayne shooting his 7 rum. This rifle is s factory sendero. No mods at all EXCEPT....an Assassin muzzlebrake. If you watch close you will see 2 things, how the gas is dispersed, and the fact that the rifle doesn't move. He is shooting a 190 matrix with 103 grains of 33. This load tops out at 3300+ fps. These brakes work. If a 13 year old can shoot a load like that with a bipod and rear bag and be extremely accurate, I'd say that's proof.

Good luck on your quest....

FEENIX that's impressive but a little bulkier then I'm looking for what do you think about Gentry brakes there from up around your part of the country ?

If you get the mini tactical or the Miller (Benchmark Barrels - Muzzle Brakes) and have it tapered to your barrel, it does not look as bulky.

As far as the Gentry brakes and if you're referring to the "quiet" brake; I'm sure it offers a reasonable recoil reduction but I am not fond of debris blasting as a result of the radial holes/ports all around when shooting prone.

Good luck!


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