Looking to fill a gap


May 18, 2013
I am looking to fill a gap in my current factory rifles and would certainly appreciate your years of experience. I am looking for a .26 caliber and want to shoot 500 yards or farther. Will be used mostly for paper but would like a multi-use rifle.

I currently own the following factory rifles:

Original Remington Sendero's in 25-06, 7mm Remington and .300 Win Mag
Remington 700 SPS Tactical .223
Remington .243 700 Varmint

Over the years I have concentrated mainly on the range of bullet weights while maintaining velocities between 3000 and 3200 fps as a general rule. I would truly appreciate your recommendations for a .26 cal to fill the gap for a factory rifle. Being sooo old, I have a soft spot for the .264 but have no experience with it. I do reload for all of my rifles, if this helps. Thanks in advance.
I am in a similar situation, including "sooo old".

I have been shooting an old gunsmith made and recently rebarreled 6.5x284. Recently my heart forced me to buy one of the Cabela's 50 year copies of the original pre64 264. Both of these rifles have 26" barrels.

I'd recommend either one. I get around 3100 fps out of the 264 with 140's. Not quite 3000 with the 6.5x284. I've pretty much relegated myself to 120's to keep the speed above that mystical 3000 fps.
Good Morning leica264:
I have checked on the 6.5-284 and found that it is quite popular for good reason. It was also suggested that I take a look at the .260 and 6.5 Creedmoor for my Grand Kids, however I have always had a soft spot for the .264 but never owned one.

I have always chosen rifles for by velocity and range of grain loadings. Right now I can range from 77 grain .223 up to 22 grain .300 Win Mag and most everything in between and also get the 3000 fps. Although I haven't shot anything breathing since '69, I always tried to buy dual-purpose rifles, just in case I eventually make that trip to Wyoming for elk. Now, it's time for me to center on "The Kids" (ages 11-22) and get something that won't beat them up too bad (the reason for the .223 and .243). Looking at the 6.5mm's I would overlap a little with the 7mm Mag (140's) and 25-06 (117-120's), but the Creedmoor or .260 may not beat them up so bad and still be fun to shoot.

What would be your opinion on the 6.5-284 for kids in my range group? I may still get the .264 for myself.......At this point, it's more of a want than need, but if you can't get something wanted, why work for so long. Beside, an Old Chief use to tell me....."If you find yourself in a fair fight.....Your tactics are all wrong". It's always good to have other choices.
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