Looking for recommendations with service & cost both in mind


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2014
Eastern South Dakota
I have never been much of a bike enthusiast much-less a E bike guy. Considering a Ebike for short commute around town & work travel weather permitting & for hunting access on some back trails.

What questions should i be asking besides which offerings are known for durability & service after the sale. (parts availability) What about modifying a existing mountain bike with a mid drive system vs alternatives.
Unless you are a tinkerer, i would avoid the kits. i believe all e bikes are using disk brakes (or at least the ones i have noticed, and my mountain bike has the old rubber pads). this is a good time to search out e bike specific forums to get reviews. The specifics I've looked at are the expected range, carrying capacity, weight, rider height (I'm 5'7 so I'm on the bubble with some bikes and their different sizes) limits, what accessories they offer for that model that could be helpful for multiple uses, and probably a few things i have forgotten about.
I picked one up a little over 2 weeks now. Went with a hard tail The 26" Fat tire w a 750 W motor fenders & a rear rack. In hind sight I feel the one thing that stands out that I am missing most with this bike, Full suspension would have been nice. Next thing this guy who is not far off from my sixty's, a step through model may be nice on those days a guy is feeling really stiff.

Trouble seems to be very few few full suspension 26 " fat tire offerings are meant to support much of a rear rack. I did opt for a aftermarket suspension seat post & a larger more forgiving seat & am quite pleased with this change.

I am a bigger guy that runs 6' 2" tall & pushing 230 lbs. Max capacity on this offering runs 330 lbs.

Time will tell, suppose after this fall, I'll have a better idea of what I may like better going forward.
LB Hunters ~
Obviously if you are members you are conscientious sportsmen. In town great. We all need to consider plus and minus of anything motorized and non game in the wild. Many non motorized hunters are fearful of what bikes have already adversely affected. Of course every location and situation is different. I am trying hard to be open minded but can not get over the absolute ruin of one of the finest gene pool locations in my state from mountain bikers. Not the individuals but the mass of the sport was over whelming for the herd and gene pool that was and is no more. E bikes are coming, we can only be part and pray that with the flood of ebiker recreators we all be serious partner with our land administrators making pre plans to save the wild for us and our game.
I got an E-CELLS Super Monarch Crown. Dual suspension. 2 batteries, 2 wheel drive, very high build quality. This is a CARGO E-mountain bike with a 400 pound load capacity (including rider's weight but not bike weight).
OK, so they cost $5,100. with free shipping but you are getting top quality in an EMTB cargo bike.

It is one thing to claim a large cargo weight and quite another to back it up with: 1.) a very strong and rigid frame. 2. good brakes (201 mm diameter, 2.3 mm thick brake rotors with TEKTRO Dorado hydraulic brakes. 3.) two 52 volt batteries 4.) two powerful BAFANG motors for AWD traction. 5.) good front and rear shocks.

And finally all this is backed up with great customer service. I've met Dave Cleveland, the owner of E-CELLS, when I drove 50 miles north of the Las Vegas Valley to pick up my bike. Very personable guy and very much into e-bike design and build quality. I was totally new to any kind of e-bike at that time but I've since learned how lucky I was to buy an E-CELLS bike, discovering how well made it is compared to most of the competition.