Looking for new med-long range scope for 7mm mag

so if the scope has 60 moa, you "should" be able to touch 1000yards with the 7mm mag? sorry for all the newbie questions here, i know i kinda halfassed hijacked the thread.
If you can't hit 1K with 60 MOA, you need to change calibers. LOL

For example.....With my 7mm RemMag, and my current load for 160gr Accubonds, if I am zero'd at 100 yards, I would have to dial up only 28.2 MOA for 1,000 yards, and 3.6 MOA for wind drift w/ a 5mph cross-wind.

The Zeiss 6.5-20x50 will more than do that, however, it comes with a Miliradian reticle (Mil-Dot). So with a 100 yard zero, you will need to achieve 8.2 Mils of elevation, and 1.0 Mils for wind drift w/ 5mph cross wind.

What I would do it I were you would be to buy the Zeiss 6.5-20x50, with a 20 MOA base. That way you KNOW you are going to be able to reach on out there.
If you can't hit 1K with 60 MOA, you need to change calibers. LOL

For example.....With my 7mm RemMag, and my current load for 160gr Accubonds, if I am zero'd at 100 yards, I would have to dial up only 28.2 MOA for 1,000 yards, and 3.6 MOA for wind drift w/ a 5mph cross-wind.

The Zeiss 6.5-20x50 will more than do that, however, it comes with a Miliradian reticle (Mil-Dot). So with a 100 yard zero, you will need to achieve 8.2 Mils of elevation, and 1.0 Mils for wind drift w/ 5mph cross wind.

What I would do it I were you would be to buy the Zeiss 6.5-20x50, with a 20 MOA base. That way you KNOW you are going to be able to reach on out there.

Mudrunner, you need to get rid of those accubonds.:D with 168 vld's out of my 7RM
I'm only up23.8 moa and with a full value 5mph from 9'oclock left 1.9...:cool: That's with a 100 yd zero. Gotta love those Bergers
thanks gang. good to know that the zeiss 1" should work with my setup. hope to have something before christmas gets here.....
Mudrunner, you need to get rid of those accubonds.:D with 168 vld's out of my 7RM
I'm only up23.8 moa and with a full value 5mph from 9'oclock left 1.9...:cool: That's with a 100 yd zero. Gotta love those Bergers

Been shooting the Berger VLD's for about 6 months now. I am impressed with them. I have loads for both the 168 & 180's for the 7Mag and 7STW.
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