A lot of good info on this thread . I have not written papers publicly but have done long term studies on barrel life , velocity and in bore timing migration and can correlate specific variables to certain aspects of barrel wear. I have not done studies specifically on barrel coating because there is not much that can protect metal from damage when flames at over 1000-1200 degrees and under extreme pressure and friction that are directly contacting the barrel on a regular basis. But there are ways to increase barrel life depending on what is defined as a done barrel, exploding jackets, sudden large velocity drop,throat erosion on the leade, erosion in the bore just in front of the chamber. or just does not group anymore. What ever the situation there are a few variables that are really the main causes of shortened barrel life in general so my testing was geared towards reducing the determined causes rather then protecting the barrel from them . The first is heat under extreme pressure is just going to eat the barrel up , so what I can correlate from long term data is heat of explosion properties. This accounts for approximately 16% of total gains over a 1000rd mean . Using a powder with lower heat of explosion properties it reduced the length of bore erosion per a given number of rounds and measured muzzle temps were below 1200 degrees. With the higher heat of explosion properties the muzzle flame temps were above 1220 degrees. H1000 has the lowest temp property of most powders out there and has worked very well for me. Friction is a variable that is easy to reduce simply by using lower velocities. I was amazed how much better the barrels looked after 600 rounds when keeping the velocities below 2850 FPS verses 3000 FPS,This variable accounts for roughly 20% of the total gain over the mean . Static barrel temp can change the results a a bit but just dont run the barrel hot if possible. The end result is run powder with low heat properties and run velocities at or below 2850 FPS and the total gain of 36% more barrel life . Other factors such as land configuration can also have a effect but I lack solid confirmation . I have 2 barrels that are 3 land configuration that showed promise with the higher heat properties of powders used with one at 3300 rounds and one at 1680 rds. both are failing now so the jury is still out on that one. They could still be anomalies . I hope this helps sir .