Looking for a scope?

Look at classifieds on this site some good deals.Last scope I picked up was leupold Mark 5 5-25x56,30oz.Right at your budget with a one piece Spur mount thrown in from mile high shooting,they have demos also,all brands
Above your price point, but thought I'd mention it anyway, that I just listed a brand new Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 F1 H59 C577 mil on Rokslide. It'd be ideal on your rifle.
Purchased a new rifle for long range / Hunting. Christensen Arms classic 338 Lapua. Now I'm looking for a good scope something in the 5-20 X 50mm with 30mm tube or? Looking for something around 2k. Looking to set-up a good 1000-1200 yard gun. Will do my own reloading. Been looking at Huskemaw and night force. Any help would be appreciated
Cant go wrong with an ATACR otherwise the Leupold Mark 5 or Swarovski X5. I have also heard good things about the new Zeiss line too.
It's had to beat an nxs nightforce for the money and reliability. And zero stop is a must for me on my hunting rifles
Well made my purchase from Euro Optics since I purchased the gun from them...
Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x50 Zero Stop MOAR C433
Nightforce 1.00" Medium Steel Ring Set A100
Thanks everyone for your input...:)
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