looking for 2018 hunt recommendations.

I've killed 5 pronghorn in Wyoming and it is hard to make the hunt last more than 24 hours. It isn't uncommon to look over 100 + buck pronghorn in a day in Wyoming. In my opinion it is a waste of money to pay an outfitter for a Pronghorn hunt in Wyoming. There are plenty of Pronghorn on public land in just about any unit. If you don't want to put the effort into planning your hunt and just want to be able to show up and have someone take you hunting then you could pay for a hunt. Pronghorn are difficult to judge if you have never hunted them, so if you want to increase your odds of killing a big buck then a guide could also help you decide which one to shoot.
Not sure if you have any points accumulated but if not I'd start building points while possibly drawing a tag on your second choice in the meantime. Better tags can be drawn with only a few points and I don't think many times it's necessarily better quality it's just the fact there's a lot more public land to hunt. I burnt my max points on an antelope hunt a few years ago and had a great hunt. I started to build points again and really look forward to hunting Wyoming antelope again in the not so distant future.
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