Thank you..what a wealth of info. Could you elaborate more about these tools (Vern Junky, ICC) or if there is a site that shows/describes them as I have never run across them in my reading or web surfing? Thanks again, there is nothing better than discovering a whole new accuracy technique!!
Fergus or Darryl

Here is a picture of my Vern Juenke Internal Concentricity Comparitor. Please explain how you use one.
Humm…. Juenke, (visions of me salivating)

1 - Place an unloaded bullet or cartridge case on the bearings as shown in the photo. Place motorised arm (again shown in photo, motor at front right) on bullets and allow bullet to rotate.

2 - Allow bullet/case to rotate several times and observe number of deviation units on meter.

3 – Adjust sensitivity using dials on front of unit to get needle roughly centred on meter.

4 – Rotate a couple of cases/bullets until you find one with minimal deviation units. Put this aside and use every 10/15 cases/bullets to check calibration.

5 – Spin up a bunch of bullets/cases. Usually this will include about three batches of bullets consisting of; very good (use for record targets or that trophy shot of a life time), good (use for practise) and poor (use for fire forming or give to someone you don't like (even better if you can sell to someone you don't like).

This may sound like a bit of effort, but it only takes a few moments and bullets can easily be checked while watching TV or some such activity, cos it gets pretty boring after a while. If you can use a Juenke for batching bullets, all other checking methods are redundant.

What's been your actual experience as to group imnprovement? On another forum I saw someone liken the use of a Juenke ICC machine in trying to improve group size to a dog chasing its tail.

My useage of a Juenke thus far is insufficient for me to relate improvement in any easily quantifiable terms, such as a 10% improvement in group size. To date, I have found it's more of a confidence thing that I wont experience a random flier from the group or that my cases and bullets are as free from defects as I can get them.

I have access to one through a friend, but he lives about 7 hours drive from my place. I have used his enough to know that I want one – now I just need to come up with the money for one. Once I get one, I will be able to experiment a lot more easily.

Fergus, where are people getting these machines. I live and work in Reno, Navada and have met Vernes wife, but I still can't find one. Do you know how much they go for? I believe he is selling them through a distributer isn't he?
I bought mine last year from Vern by phone. Don't have his number anymore, though.

There is an add with contact details in the latest issue of PS. I dont have it here, but will try to remember to post when I get home.

I believe they go for about $650.00 US.

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