This past deer season I had a chance at a shot on a average size doe. It was further out than what I was comfortable with since I just got the rifle a little before season openned and hadn't had a chance to get out for some longrange shooting with it. Really didn't think I would have much of a chance at it but since I hadn't seen much anything else I figured I would give it a try. I was somewhat familiar with the balistics of the 200 grain Federal Fusion ammo I was shooting and adjusted for the 10-15 mph right to left wind and the range difference from my 100 yard zero. I have been goin for head shots since my first kill pretty much destroyed a shoulder on the exit wound. Took the shot and she dropped where she stood. Got down to where she was and I ended up hitting about 4 inches low and 2 inches right of where I wanted. Have to admit little luck was involved but it lets me know a little of what I have to work with. I know it's not a true "long range" shot but for me I'll take it. By the way it plotted out on the map around 425 yards.