long range


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
North west
this match is going to be held about 30 minutes from cda, id.

We are currently working on putting a long range match together here in Eastern WA/ Northern Idaho. There will be animal shaped targets made of steel and some will have some plywood. The animals will most likely consist of prairie dogs, rabbits, crows, fox's, bobcats and coyotes for the small game portion. Then the big game will consist of antelope, deer (mulie and whitetail), black bear, elk and maybe a moose. The ranges will go from 100-5 or 600 yards then 500-1000+. I think that this match should be a fun way to practice, hone or prove your skills when applying the long range practice to a hunting scenario. We all try as sportsman to make clean skills, so on the bobcats on up there will be steel swinging vitals. This will let the participant know he did make a good shot, it will also probably be worth more points in the match.

some more recent info:

It looks like it is going to be held by Athol, Idaho in the Panhandle National Forest. I received the application for permits today. I have been corresponding with the officials in the forest service and looks like we will be good to go once we have the event insurance taken care of and get our application in. it will take two months for processing, but everything looks good with that.

I have been getting some positive responses from some companies that would like to help out with making this a fun match. I may post some names further down the road. I am still working on getting more. I have also been getting some people that are interested in helping with setting up running it and really just wanting to be involved along with lots of people who are interested in participating in this event.

I have a friend who has access to a cnc plasma cutter and I dropped of some steel to him, once he gets a program I n the mail he will have a bunch of shapes of animals that we can use for part of the targets. I am going to need to find some more steel. I am going to get some more of the 3/8" stuff this week and also pick up some 3/4" plywood for the larger targets we will have. I will need to try to find some decent 1/2" steel for our longer range targets where the larger more punishing calibers will be shot.

************One thing I am needing is a name for this match. Some of the stuff to keep in mind while thinking of one would be long range, hunting scenario with life sized animal targets (some with small precise areas on the target), we want to attract hunters that appreciate clean kills along with long range target shooters. The name of our website is longrangeshooter.com so think up something that sounds good. *************

******also we are going to have to start figuring out some dates to hold this match. with this we have to remember that the application takes 2 months to process so we won't be doing anything in a month or probably even two, that puts us out at minimum may, also we won't really be able to properly fill out the application with dates until we figure out a solid date. I would like to have a date figured out within two weeks by the latest. some time I would like to make this a bi annual event, but for the first time I would like to have a great turnout and see how everything goes before I try to plan a second match.******

If everyone interested could provide two good dates and/or a possible name for the match I would greatly appreciate it. This will get things rolling a bit better and also give us some info we will need for applications, sponsors to send things, people to plan this on their calendars.
Sounds very interesting. I would really like to know more about the shooting rules. Is a spotter allowed? Or do you shoot as a team? How many shots at each target?

Sounds very interesting. I would really like to know more about the shooting rules. Is a spotter allowed? Or do you shoot as a team? How many shots at each target?


the rules havent been written up yet, but obviously there will be no alcohol. we have not figured out all the specifics like teams or singles. we will be using a spotter to score. those are all good questions and we will be addressing those soon. and getting a flyer out with alll the rules and stipulations put out within the next two weeks.

we are also looking for a good name and two prospective dates from the middle of may on for the match that would work then we can take all those dates and find one that willl best work.at the end of these two weeks at the latest we will be submitting our application for the permit to the forest service, we just need a date for that and the name of the event.

i have gotten some good sponsorship so far from a couple well known companies.

hope this answers some of your questions.

if you have suggestions for rules or anything you would like to see or know you can e mail me: [email protected]
we have some good sponsors so far, should be some cool stuff for everyone that participates.

berger bullets
m2d camo
precision ballistics
water proof log books
i will be posting all the match info once i have a flyer all built up and we know the dates and all. if you email me i can save your contact info and send it straight to you and keep you posted about it. i will then add your name to a participants list where i can have your info. my e mail is [email protected] talk to you soon.


i dont know for sure if there is a campground near by or not i can check into that. thanks for asking.
Re: long range sportsman's challenge )

Long Range Shooter's
1st annual
Sportsmans Challenge
will be held the 2nd of june we are still working on the insurance and getting all of the targetsdone up. once the insurance is taken care of i will be finishing the flyer and getting it out to anyone who may be interested. if you e mail me at [email protected] i will add you to the participants list that i am making and when i have more info i will get it passed on.
got our first box from a sponsor today. cant wait to see what else shows up between now and june 2nd
i am thinking the maximum hunting rifle weight should be the upper limit for guns in this competition. what do you guys think?
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