What was I thinking
Got a Cooper M21 in 22PPC the other day with a dovetail ? front and windage back base(whatever they call the style that the front ring turns into and the back is adjustable ) To put a 35mm scope on it was gona require a new set of bases and I realy didnt feel like messing with it. I had a 6-24 already mounted in rings that would fit so I adjusted the spacing.
What I ended up with was fugly for lack of a better word.The scope did not go along with the petete theme of the Cooper @ all
and the added weight didnt balance well!
Did a little scope swapping and trying this and that. What I ended up with is a vintage 12X Leupold with fine X hair.
An elivation knob would have ben nice (still may be added) and the front mount would look better farther forward. This unit will get used for prairie dog dismantling to 300 yards max so it should work just as well as the other 2 12X leupolds I have mounted for that purpose
My experience brought a couple of questions to mind
#1 is the stock the same on the 21 and 22?
#2 How many Coopers actualy have a NF or IORs on them?
#3 If your shooting a 22-250 do you realy need much of a long range scope to 400 yards?
#4 Sniperboy ,What did you end up putting on your 22-250 and do you like it?