Long Range Specialty Handgun Seminar with Don Bower?

Jun 18, 2007
NE Wyoming
Hi Guys,
Compared to what you guys accomplish with rifles, it may not seem like longrange shooting, but we will be shooting out to 1,000 yards with Contenders, Encores, XP-100's and several other kinds of specialty handguns.

The clinic dates are July 7-10 (Monday - Thursday). All of this will take place in Alliance, Nebraska. Marc Sheehan hasn't got group rates at the motel yet, but they gave us group rates last year so I don't see it being a problem.
Cost is $200. There is a $75 deposit (Pay the rest of balance - $125 @ the seminar, non-refundable unless Don okays it) to secure your spot in the seminar. You are responsible for paying for your own food and lodging. Don will be supplying guns, ammo and rest systems for you to use or you can shoot your own stuff. Sixteen participants is the maximum number. This is on a first come first serve basis. Send your deposit and make your check or money order to Ernie Bishop, 5 Eastwood Drive, Hutchinson, Kansas 67502.
Email is [email protected]
My home phone # is 620-662-3669.
My office (Eastwood Church of Christ) phone # is 620-662-3923.
If you have any questions feel free to e-mail or call me. There will be more information as time goes on.


Ernie Bishop (AKA--xphunter)
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