Long range muzzle loaders

Thanks for all the advice. Tonight I found out its better to be lucky than to be well equipped. The biggest eight point whitetail I've ever seen trotted up to my eleven year old son and I. He swerved around us at thirty yards avoiding my son's shot, but I got him behind our hide at thirty feet. So much for long range muzzle loading..:). I am still going to get a smokelless one built or bought. I just wish my son could have gotten the shot.
Hi,Iam shooting a Knight .52 mountineer useing 110 grains and a 300 grain hollow point bloodline bullet and shot a deer at 235 yards and droped it,my scope goes up to 300 yards its a Leupold ultraslam. I would not be afraid to shoot out to 300 yards with it.
Getting to 300 yards for deer sized game is fairly easy with a standard muzzleloader. Give it a good bedding job and find the right load. My .50 TC Omega will shoot 4" groups at 300 yards with a 300 gr SST in a black Harvester sabot, pushed by 85 gr by weight of BH209.

For long range elk, I need to up the speed, so I am building a RemPac 700ML. The Parker Productions Match Hunter bullets are the top dog for best BC and pushing them 2400 fps with large doses of BH209 will get me over 1500 lb-ft of energy at 500 yards.
I own a HANKINSCUSTOMRIFLE muzzle loader that I have dropped deer in there tracks at 300 yards. Im shooting a 275 grain bullet at 3000 fps with a 72 grain charge of imr4198 powder. Mine has a Kreiger 30 inch barrle on a richards micro fit thumb hole stock on a Rem. 700 action. gun)I would recomend you call him these are the go to smoke poles for long range muzzle loading. IMO.
I zapped one at 367 last year with mine. I was driving back from hunting after not seeing anything, which has never happened before, and saw a bunch feeding 10 yards from my porch.:rolleyes: I knocked on the neighbors door and asked permission. He thought there was no way someone could zap a deer that far with a muzzleloader, he thought it was like 600 yards, lol. So I laid down on his porch and had my buddy film it. 367 yards and she went down 10 yards from the pole building where we hang them.:D We have a ton of deer around here so I usually take 10 or so a year, mostly does. I use a remington 700 action with the knight breech plug, lapua 308 case with a fed 215m primer, brux barrel, 73 gr of 4198 and a parker 327 gr bullet. Its 6.25 moa from 100 to 400 yards. Half moa out to 400 yards, havent shot it further yet. Oh and I do put my 4 port muscle brake on them. Makes spotting your shots easy, I like watching them fall down.:D got a couple kill videos with the muzzleloader on the homepage of my website., the last kill is at 367 yards.
Ryan Pierce
Piercision Rifles
The Ultimate has won every long range competition match in the last five years. This year it was won again with a 3.75" five shot group at 500yds. That's putting them on the target. One of their shooters shot a 3/4" group at 100yds, to win the standing off hand competition.

This is not a smokeless muzzleloader, so in those states which do not allow smokeless propellants, it the LONG range muzzleloader to have.

I just made a deal with the "little woman", that if I can sell a few of the firearms that I don't use, I'm ordering one. Now to open up the safe and sell a couple firearms.. :)
ENCORE, that sounds like a good idea. I got the LR muzzle loader bug last year on a ML hunt.

Ya well you know how good ideas come together...........

Now I have a bunch of guys trying to convince me to other Rem 700 action muzzleloaders? I'll listen. If... this happens, it'll be a once in a lifetime purchase. I don't necessarily need a 500yd rifle but, I'd like a VERY ACCURATE 300yd rifle. I can't use smokeless during our designated muzzleloader season, so that's out. Honestly I'd prefer one that shot loose powder and preferably BH209.
Save your money and build one on a Remington muzzleloader action for those of you who can use smokeless powder during the muzzleloader season. I built one last year and really didnt have all that much money in it considering ill have it till they put me in the ground. I had 200 I a stainless action 500 in parts including barrel, recoil lug, bolt knose kit, and the modified breech plug 275 in a hs precision sendero take off stock 70 in bottom metal for short action, and 120 in a murphy rail. I gotall my stuff from luke at arrow head sporting good www.smokelessmz.com I had mine assembled by a friend that's a gunsmith which I don't know how much that would cost but the mcgowen barrel already comes threaded and chambered so all they really have to do is put it together. Mine will shoot a ragged hole at 100 and 2 inches at 300 which is as far as ive shot it.
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