Long Range Flat shooter??????

what i meant by the shallow or deep flutes is what I see on factory Savage rifles. their fluting is so shallow I couldnt imagine it removing much wieght or anything benefecial

Dan Lilja's heavy flutes that are on my 270AM are very deep and remove quite a bit of wieght.

take it easy
Thanks a bunch guys for all the help, I am going with the 280AI with a 1-9 twist 5 groove 26" non fluted supermatch Pac-nor Remington varmint contour barrel in a H&S stock. I'll post a report and some pic's when its done! THANKS!

Good luck with your project! Welcome to the board and have fun searching through the info, I have been doing the same for the past 2 months. I will say though, you just about had a thorough hijacking of your thread.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif not quite though.
As you can see, we have members that don't hesitate to jump right in and go at it... all in a friendly way (most of the time!). Bart B brings up the finer points to barrel construction / fluting, and if you use the search engine and start looking at old posts for info on various things, barrels, cartridges etc., the gold mine of info is there...

Also, I think that I have managed to get the best quality links to gunsmiths / other gun websites than anywhere else... I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the old posts (some of which have these links to other sites - ala Premier Reticles for scopes, Leupold Custom shop, etc.)

Good luck again and keep us posted...

EZ Shooter
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