Loading for .30-.338 Lap imp?


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007

I finally got my dies, so now I can begin sizing brass. I have never neck sized down, or fire formed for Ackley imp. I have 100 rnds of .338 Lap brass and 100 180grn bt's for the fire forming. If any of you could help me with the process so I do it correctly the 1st time, I would be grateful.

Thank you,
Rockymtnmt ,

That's a mean machine you got there !!!!

There's a guy in alaska who shoots cartridge -hopefully he'll see this thread.

Send 308nate a pm -he'll help you out w/ the process.

Let us know how things go -that's a great set-up -lapua brass necked down to 30cal and AI'd....

Good luck !!!!
Thanks, ol mike

I am very anxious to get going w/ it. I've had the gun now for about a year. I finally got the dies this last week, it's a long story. The good news is they are here now. I just want to make sure my loading process for forming the brass is correct before I just jump in.

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