Well-Known Member
I ran through my numbers today. No sure what I did but my numbers in LB match up very close to what Exbal is telling me now. The only real difference is Coriolis and Spin drift and Exbal does not have these.
I plan on giving LB some real effort in the coming weeks. I really like the program but need to get over my learning curve.
Will be looking forward to your results tomorrow.
I didn't get a chance to work on LB and Exbal at the range as it turned into a ladder test instead. Very good results on the ladder test though and I think I will be using this method more down the road!
I did try to get some baseline numbers into the programs, I am really finding Exbal just a pain in the butt if your making small adjustment to numbers! An example is when I punched in the sight in data and saved it I had to go back and change the sight in range because we sighted in 2.5in high and needed the true sight in range I hit update and the output values changed but when I go back to the input screen the numbers have not changed so it is hard to know where your at. Just an observation so far.
Each program has it's learning curve, I just have to keep plugging along!