load for .358 WIN. ...(not exactly long range)


Sep 19, 2007
so i just picked up a little ruger frontier chambered in 358 win. im looking for some load and bullet suggestion for whitetail deer and black bear since our season in pa is now going to run concurrent. the chances of seeing a black bear where i am at are pretty low so i guess it would be more o f a deer load but id like the possibility. i would like to stick between 200 and 225 grain bullets but am open to suggestion thanks.
My ruger 77 old style likes Speer 220 grain with 45.2 grains IMR 3031 And Fed 205 Primers. I also shoot a 180 grain Hornady over 44.3 Grain RL7. The Hornady load is a hammer out to 300 measured yards. Reduce the above loads and work up for your rifle.A brush gun a .358 Win. ain't.
Where do you hunt? We have a camp by Shunk in Sullivan County. Been driving out there from Iowa for 37 years for deer season.
hey thanks for the info its appreciated i hunt mifflin huntingdon dauphin and york counties. i dont see why the .358 wouldnt qualify as a brush gun tho. i mean a lot of people around here consider the 30-30 to be a brush gun and the 358 shoots big bullets pretty slowly in my mind that qualifies plus the rifle its chambered in is a little scout type rifle thats got a forward mounted scope and short barrel so it fast on to target and easy to manipulate.
Yep it will qualify as a "brushgun" but one of the reasons it is not as popular as some other calibers is because everybody thinks of it as a brush gun. Most people think it is done at 150 to 200 yds because of the trajectory. Load it right and it will reach 300 and beyond. My buddy and I laughingly refer to mine as "the brush gun". I've taken deer at 300 yds with mine with no trouble, just have to know your rifle and load. Here is a nice article on the .358 and what it can do. http://www.leverguns.com/articles/paco/358_wcf.htm
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i am by far no expert on ballistics but i do a lot of shooting and a lot of research i agree that it is not a popular round nor is it the best brush gun round nor is it a long range round or really the best round for anything but it is a good round for most things it will serve its purpose as a brush gun and i will be able to take down a deer at 300 yards and maybe beyond. when i wanna take longer shots ill take my long range rig out. thanks for the reply
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