Load for 30-06

If you go with a partition then get a box of speed hot-cores and load them up the same as the partition. They will probably shoot very close to the same poi and are much cheaper to practice with.
My load I ended up with is:
Winchester brass with cci primers
53.3 grains h4350
200 nosler Accubonds
Coal 3.300
Velocity 2535 out of a factory 24 inch barrel.
Group is .7 at 100. Load still carries a ton of energy out to 600 yards.
If no further than 400 yards I use 60 grains of RL-17 WW brass Fed 210 primer and a Barnes 150 gr TTSX. Opens on deer, will hold together on Moose and Elk and shoots nice groups, oh ya almost 3100 fps out of a 24 inch Remington Barrel doesnt hurt either. As always this load is safe in my rifle, reduce by 10% and start from there.
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