Load development VLD's

So I am hoping to get started on this soon. Pacnor said my barrel is done so it should shipped tomorrow.

I have 10 rounds (only brass I have that does not need fireformed). I am hoping to get it sighted in next week when the barrel gets here with those 10 as well as figure out a max load.

Then I plan to fireform 50 Norma 270wsm cases via the COW method and load them uo for a seating depth test for a mild charge.

Also added a MOA 1000 Nightforce 4-14 scope to the mix so hoping to have some results next week. I will post my results.gun)
If anyone is still reading, help/thoughts would be appreciated.

WENT TO THE RANGE TODAY to sight in and fireform (norma 270 wsm, COW method)

First shot 62gr of Norma MRP (168 berger VLDs) - Bolt felt a little sticky. It is hard to tell with Savage cocking the fire pin on the lift, but felt slightly sticky. Velocity read 3081 and 3169 for 2 rounds at 62gr about 4 minutes apart. I am not sure if the chronograph was working right because I got errors on the next two shots at 62.5gr.

With 62.5 had a heavy bolt light and lite extractor marks.

Both of these loads were .010 off the lands, I have to check on OAL but think it is about 2.9". This brass from my other barrel and was full length size and was .0005 larger than my no-go gauge. I also fireformed 40 pieces of brass they all measure .001 larger than my no-go gauge so I believe my head space is okay and maybe on the tight.

Luckily, I got the gun sighted in enough for load testing in the 4 shots.

What load should I use for developing my seating depth? I was going to do 60 gr but seems like that may end up a grain or so from my max.

Thanks for any help, not sure why I am seeing pressure so quick had similar case with my stock barrel. It did not matter if it was fresh or fired brass.
If anyone is still reading, help/thoughts would be appreciated.

WENT TO THE RANGE TODAY to sight in and fireform (norma 270 wsm, COW method)

First shot 62gr of Norma MRP (168 berger VLDs) - Bolt felt a little sticky. It is hard to tell with Savage cocking the fire pin on the lift, but felt slightly sticky. Velocity read 3081 and 3169 for 2 rounds at 62gr about 4 minutes apart. I am not sure if the chronograph was working right because I got errors on the next two shots at 62.5gr.

With 62.5 had a heavy bolt light and lite extractor marks.

Both of these loads were .010 off the lands, I have to check on OAL but think it is about 2.9". This brass from my other barrel and was full length size and was .0005 larger than my no-go gauge. I also fireformed 40 pieces of brass they all measure .001 larger than my no-go gauge so I believe my head space is okay and maybe on the tight.

Luckily, I got the gun sighted in enough for load testing in the 4 shots.

What load should I use for developing my seating depth? I was going to do 60 gr but seems like that may end up a grain or so from my max.

Thanks for any help, not sure why I am seeing pressure so quick had similar case with my stock barrel. It did not matter if it was fresh or fired brass.
ALWAYS use the minimum charge listed for the bullet/powder/cartridge powder combination you are testing to find your seating depth sweet spot with. Also go to our website main page and under the INFORMATION tap click on TECH TALK then go to VLDs Making them shoot and click on "MORE". This will give you instructions on how to do your testing by the number instead of jumping around. You may also want to go to the ACCURATE SHOOTER website to find tips on how to properly set up a chronograph and what light conditions work best. Always make sure your rifle is fouled to its "optimum" point by shooting at a practice target until the bullet strikes stop rising and begin to cluster. Do this before ANY chronograph or group testing so you get accurate results. Once you have found both your seating depth and velocity accuracy nodes . Take your clean rifle out to the range and fire 3 cold bore rounds at a target. Then finish this range session by fouling the barrel again to its optimal point ( by now you should know how many rounds this takes) and take the rifle home and DONT CLEAN IT. Take it back out to the range the next day or so and fire another 3 shot group from a cold fouled bore. Compare the cold clean and cold fouled groups to determine in what condition you want to zero the rifle for and how you want to take it out into the field.
ALWAYS use the minimum charge listed for the bullet/powder/cartridge powder combination you are testing to find your seating depth sweet spot with. Also go to our website main page and under the INFORMATION tap click on TECH TALK then go to VLDs Making them shoot and click on "MORE". This will give you instructions on how to do your testing by the number instead of jumping around. You may also want to go to the ACCURATE SHOOTER website to find tips on how to properly set up a chronograph and what light conditions work best. Always make sure your rifle is fouled to its "optimum" point by shooting at a practice target until the bullet strikes stop rising and begin to cluster. Do this before ANY chronograph or group testing so you get accurate results. Once you have found both your seating depth and velocity accuracy nodes . Take your clean rifle out to the range and fire 3 cold bore rounds at a target. Then finish this range session by fouling the barrel again to its optimal point ( by now you should know how many rounds this takes) and take the rifle home and DONT CLEAN IT. Take it back out to the range the next day or so and fire another 3 shot group from a cold fouled bore. Compare the cold clean and cold fouled groups to determine in what condition you want to zero the rifle for and how you want to take it out into the field.

62gr is already hot so the min load listed (60gr) is only 2 gr lower than were my gun is maxing out.
62gr is already hot so the min load listed (60gr) is only 2 gr lower than were my gun is maxing out.
I checked our information on the 270 WSM with our 168 grain VLD and I don't see a load listed with NORMA MRP powder. We do list NORMA 204 for this combination. We can help you with this though. Please go to our website and at the CONTACT US tab and use the drop down in the contact field to submit a load request for this combination to us. We should have an answer for you by mid-week at the latest. This may be an issue involving "short throat, long bullet and short cartridge case". The load we give you will be based on a magazine length loaded round. Hope this helps!

Nothing really sticking out to me:

Here are the results (chronograph was not working right so FPS are definitely wrong on a few shots). All contained 60gr of Norma MRP in freshing FF Norma Brass.

I fired 1 shot from each group 1 minute between each shot then waited 10 minutes between groups and change the order of the shots string. This gave me 5 groups at the end of 4 shots.

Distance: 200ys

Group 1:
.010 off lands
MOA: 1.75
Horizontal MOA: .60
Vertical MOA: .97

Group 1:
.010 off lands
MOA: 1.75
Horizontal MOA: .60
Vertical MOA: .97

Group 1:
.010 off lands
MOA: 1.75
Horizontal MOA: .93
Vertical MOA: .1.43

Group 2:
.030 off lands
MOA: 2.094
Horizontal MOA: 2.01
Vertical MOA: .58

Group 3:
.050 off lands
MOA: 1.14
Horizontal MOA: .6
Vertical MOA: .97

Group 4:
.070 off lands
MOA: 2.35
Horizontal MOA: .2.26
Vertical MOA: .773

Group 5:
.090 off lands
MOA: .620
Horizontal MOA: .60
Vertical MOA: .155

(1 bullet is missing not sure may be a same whole but I can not tell)

One pattern that emerged is the first shot in each group is not within the group. Except for 5 (which was the last shot in the first string). I am wondering if the gun wasn't foul/broken in enough until I started the second strand.

I had shot 4 rounds cleaning between ea. and fireformed 40 rounds cream of wheat style the first day out. Then day two, today, I fired 8 foulers then started above test.

If ignore the first string group 3 is under an 1" at 200yds.

What are thoughts on which to go with or shot again. I can list velocity but wont mean much with errors and low reading that I know are wrong.


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