Load Development for my 284 Win XP

Reloader 17 typically yields higher MV's.
I use Extreme powders (not temperature sensitive) for hunting.
I do not see any difference of accuracy in my custom built 284 Win, 7 SAUM, 7WSM, or 7 Dakota XP's.

If my memory serves me it seems I remember reading a post from Kirby Allen (aka fifty driver) awhile back saying that in his experience of building and shooting several SP's that he seemed to consistently notice the 7wsm being the most accurate of all. You may dig back through his posts or contact him. Just thought it might apply to the subject.

If there's one thing I can tell you it's to not trust my memory! I just scrolled through pages of Kirby's posts and did find one where he stated the wsm's do very well in an XP. I could not find where he said anything about the 7wsm being superior in any way. I did not read every word and so I'm not saying he didn't mention something along those lines at some point but I could not find it. I will hereby withdrawal my previous statement. Just trying to help.
I have not chatted with Kirby for awhile now.
Maybe a good excuse and ask him about his Wizzum thoughts.
I shot my best 1K 5-shot group ever last year with a 7WSM and 180 grain JLK's.
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